What Are WexWindows™?
They’re affordable, easy-to-install window insulation panels that reduce thermal energy loss at the window, the most porous component of your building. These lightweight, transparent panels from WexEnergy readily snap into place without tools and without breaking your budget. WexWindows quickly improve your tenant’s comfort and experience without the usual fuss and mess of window replacements. With happier tenants in your buildings, your maintenance staff can stay focused on making sure your property runs smoothly and efficiently.
For less than ~20% of the cost of new ENERGY STAR® replacement windows, WexWindows can help your old double-pane windows achieve energy performance criteria for current ENERGY STAR® windows. And if your buildings still have single-pane windows, adding WexWindows will allow your windows to function much more like double-pane windows. You’ll love the money you save on heating and cooling while your tenants love their improved comfort – with no added disruption or construction. Your windows will still open and close as before, and you’ll be ready to meet tough new building codes aimed at reducing carbon emissions.
PolarSkin Spec Sheet (06-23)
SolarSkin Spec Sheet (06-23)
How does a WexWindow™ work?
WexWindows work by trapping a pillow of air between your existing window and your custom-fitted WexWindow, just like the pockets of air in a down comforter or jacket. But that’s not all. WexWindows’ insulating air gap is engineered to optimize energy performance.
WexWindows improve the efficiency of your existing windows without adding significant cost, weight, or complexity. WexWindows’ design is engineered to optimize the insulating gap is optimized once installed.
How do you maintain the insulation?
Each WexWindow is custom manufactured to fit your window. Each WexWindow is engineered to create a compression seal when it’s snapped onto your window. This is the secret to WexWindows’ insulating air gap.
How do WexWindows increase comfort?
WexWindows’™ insulating air gap creates a barrier that reduces thermal energy loss of conditioned air from escaping through the glass. That’s why we say WexWindows™ keep heat inside in winter and outside in summer.
How do WexWindows increase usable space?
WexWindows’™ let your tenants reclaim valuable space near windows for seating and other uses because occupants are more comfortable near WexWindows™ –dressed windows.
Here’s why: Windows are the most energy-porous component of a building’s envelope (exterior walls, windows, and roof.) In wintertime, people feel chilled when they’re within six feet of a window with a surface glazing temperature below 54° F. When this happens, occupants naturally avoid sitting close to windows.
The converse is true in hot climates where our soon-to-be-released SolarSkinTM will help by keeping conditioned cool air inside.
How can transparent window panels reduce utility bills and insurance costs?
Building occupants often run fans, space heaters or electric blankets to improve their comfort when they are too hot or too cold. All of these conveniences add to electricity usage, increasing utility bills. These units are often run 24/7, increasing utility costs and your insurance risks.
Compared to other window retrofits, why are WexWindows easier to install?
WexWindows install directly on to the window-pane so you don’t have to worry about disturbing lead paint. No tools, hairdryers or tape required because WexWindows simply snap onto the inside window-pane. Prep and installation of the window takes about 5-6 minutes for a typical double-hung or slider window.
Some interior window retrofits require you to drill into or attach to the window frame or sash. Others use a compression fit which may rub against painted window frames. You may even have lead paint underneath all those layers of paint if your building was constructed before 1978. If you do, be aware that disturbing lead paint creates very fine dust particles which require specialized and costly environmental remediation.
How do WexWindow’s packaging and shipping costs compare to other window solutions?
WexWindows™ weigh-in at ~15% of competitor’s products. That means we can ship 7-10 WexWindows™ for the same cost our competitors ship a single unit. Lower shipping costs also mean that your shipment uses less fossil fuels to reach your building, thereby contributing less to carbon emissions.
But will my building still be code compliant if I install WexWindows
YES. WexWindows meets NYC’s Building Code standard for Class A Products as well as NYC-DOB’s newly issued guidelines for window retrofits. WexEnergy submitted WexWindows to NYC’s Dept. of Buildings for code review because NYC has one of the most stringent building codes in the world. And if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere! That would make a great song…
But will my windows still open?
You can use your windows just as you did before because WexWindows were installed because they don’t change the way you or your tenants interact with your windows. And in cases of true emergency, any window dressed with WexWindows remain accessible to tenants and emergency personnel.
How do WexEnergy’s window insulation panels look?
WexWindows look great. Their designed to blend into the window so that they practically invisible. In fact, you’ll probably only notice them when you look very closely at their edges.
What is a WexWindow made of anyway?
WexWindows contain clean, safe, and sustainable materials that are Greenguard® Certified. In fact, the primary material is also used for COVID face masks in medical settings. Greenguard® technology means there no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to vent.
Are you ready learn more? Contact WexEnergy.